Wednesday, August 15, 2012

REAL LIFE SUPER HUMANS! and their Comic Book-A-Likes!

Real life super humans, I know what your thinking, "It was hard enough to swallow the RLSH, and now your feeding me this"? Yes I am, and not just a little, but a buffet! Below are REAL LIFE SUPER HUMANS, They are real, and they are REMARKABLE. For fun when applicable we will show a comparison to the real life person shown, and compare their powers to that of a similar superhero from the comics.

First we will start with the REAL LIFE Super Boy! More current Info:

Photos Below:

Above is Liam Hoekstra, world strongest toddler, now age 9, below is a close comparison of his comic book-a-like. 

Captain America.
Though in Muscle, Liam is actually Stronger!!!

Boy in china with cat eyes? Here is the link to learn more about this child's incredible night vision.
Photo below shows the child's wild blue eyes. Here is, Nong Yousui

And here is his Comic Book-A-Like.

Owl Man

We have to be honest here, this version of Owl Man is not the normal comic version which tends to favor technology as their means to see through the night, in fact, we had a hell of a time finding a comic character who is identified by this ability, who has such by a NATURAL means, so once again just as with the Super Boy above, the real life version is more incredible than the comics.

Next is Ben Underwood, he uses Echo Location! Link:
Photo Below.

Now lets see his Comic Book-A-Like!

Dare Devil
There is little distinction between Ben Underwood, and Marvels iconic Dare Devil, save for some red Spandex.

The Next Super Powered Human we have has us a little worried since he has more in common with a Super Villain than he does with a Super Hero! Here is Liew Throw Lin! Photo Below:

His Comic Book-A-Like.
Oh Crap....

Additionally, it has been studied and proven many monks can not only control the heat of their bodies, but can generate it outwardly as well. Even generating enough to create fire!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An Introduction from Anon-Man

 SUPERHEROES, who knew back in the 1930's that comics like Superman and Batman would be a multi-billion dollar commercial industry thriving at its best even in the midst of economic collapse. That's just it though, the popularity of superheroes always climbs in the presence of ruin. In the days of Adolf Hitlers rule, comics boomed, people wanted- LONGED- for a hero, and a couple of (imagine that) Jewish guys gave it to them in the form of -Superman. While a huge success, it is a bit of a downer affirming that one can only make a difference when they possess god-like power. So then came Batman, a character that was just an ordinary man, like you, like me, like anyone. Since that time comics have only grown in demand and diversity. What is it that lures us in? The same thing that inspired them to create them in the first place, our desire for HOPE.

Now if you look at crime and world conflict back then as compared to today, it should leave nothing less than deep depression to see the world we have thrust ourselves into. The war on terrorism actually marks the next BIG surge in Comic Book/Superhero success in the USA, and around the world. Post 9-11, This Super-Train has not stopped, but only gained momentum, and will continue to do so. And while we see Terrorism at an all time high, and crime rampant, it would seem like there are PLENTY of  REAL LIFE SUPERVILLAINS, but no REAL LIFE SUPERHEROES. Or are they? You may not know this, but over the last 10 years or so, there has been an underground movement of sorts, and while not particularly organized, or led by any specific person or faction, the media is filling the news of more reports of Real Life Super Heroes every day. These heroes of course don't have powers, they are more like Rorschach from The Watchmen, or Batman or Green Hornet, or even V from V for Vendetta, which you can tell by my avatar and header, I myself have an affinity for. Most of those who call themselves the R.L.S.H. (Real Life Superheroes) Do their deeds in a fairly socially acceptable way, while dressed in full costume, they hand out clothes, food, and water to the needy.

While innocent enough, many are also prepared to take action to save a life, and are somewhat equipped to do so. However most of them will tell you that they walk the fine line when it comes to the law and their involvement in a situation, but as they are not organized, and have no leader, this is only one side of the communities opinion, there is another. Within this community is a growing faction of those who cross more into the vigilante/comic action side. Some have been arrested, some have beat their charges against them. And while these are LIKE the RLSH mentioned above, they tend to be much more gritty, armored and equipped, and often don't receive the approval of their more socially acceptable counter-parts. And as STRANGE as all this might seem, at least there isn't Super Powered beings in the real world, right? What if I told you THAT was wrong too? This blog will do nothing less than make you question what you once called reality. It will introduce you to a fantastic world you never new existed, you'll read stories you never thought you'd read, in short, you will come to believe the unbelievable. Welcome to The Rise of The Real Life Superheroes!